With incessant requirements for high performance of spacecraft propulsion system , electric propulsion ( ep ) has become a focus of spaceflight field recently because of its particular advantages 近年来,随着对航天器推进系统性能要求的不断提高,电推进以其独有的优势引起了航天界的兴趣和重视,并越来越多的被应用到空间任务中。
Abstract : based on the whole evaluation model of the spacecraft propulsion syste m , several propulsion systems used at present and promising in the future are e stimated by way of analytic hierarchy process ( ahp ) 文摘:在建立航天器推进系统综合评定指标体系的基础上,运用层次分析法对已经应用飞行的推进系统和有未来应用潜力的推进系统进行了评估。
Test result with a spacecraft propulsion system shows that , the method proposed provides a novel approach to build a robust , real - time and practicable diagnosis reasoning system which can improve the reliability of complex systems effectively 验证结果表明,该方法具有建模方便、诊断快速等特点,为建立具有良好鲁棒性、实时性和实用性的诊断推理系统,提高复杂系统的可靠性提供了一条新的途径。
In particular , the bond - graph - based method and the miniature mode estimation system can used to detect and isolate faults in spacecraft propulsion system . the results show they are suitable for the fault de tection and isolate of hybrid systems like spacecrafts 针对混合系统的故障检测与诊断问题,本文以推进系统为对象,研究了键图理论和miniaturemodeestimation方法在其故障检测与隔离中应用与实现方案。